by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | md-yl-tour, progress-eric
Scouting of French School System. Eric found out a lot of reasons why there’s no youth leadership in France, no student clubs, low spirit enchained by the thought “administration will never allow it” … and where are – also very new...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | md-eric, md-yl-magazine, md-yl-tour, progress-eric
Eric’s been scouting Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina for a couple of months and found that it is a perfect YL Summer Camp destination, but probably much more than...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 10, 2022 | md-eric, md-yl-tour, progress-eric, progress-yl-europe
One fine day in October, Eric took a break from computer work and stepped out of the cafe to catch some air in Sarajevo Old Town, it was a windy day and there was this woman hunting a plastic bag … she could only be cool, so Eric said hi and zipzap smile he...
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