by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | progress-eric, progress-yl-learnspace
We need a LearnSpace Host in Eastern Africa and what can be better than Kenya, and in the most unusual and spectacular spot – the world’s biggest refugee camp – ouch, with so much need for positive input and networking, with so much global interest...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | progress-eric, progress-yl-learnspace
LearnSpace Host South Africa A region that has all the problems and potentials of South Africa to the max and a lovely YL Magical Coach who loves his people and has years of experience as traditiona dance coach, theater coach, is loved by youth, trusted by town...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | progress-eric, progress-yl-learnspace
Wow, we have LearnSpace Hosts in India … and they happen to be the most dynamic for CHILDREN and for YOUTH, with solid networks, access to schools, recognition by authorities, plenty of allies … and we have 6 years of trust together that we can build on....
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | md-yl-tour, progress-eric
Scouting of French School System. Eric found out a lot of reasons why there’s no youth leadership in France, no student clubs, low spirit enchained by the thought “administration will never allow it” … and where are – also very new...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | md-eric, md-yl-magazine, md-yl-tour, progress-eric
Eric’s been scouting Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina for a couple of months and found that it is a perfect YL Summer Camp destination, but probably much more than...
by Eric, YL Staff | Jan 16, 2022 | <5000, activity, milestone-yl-magazine, progress-eric, services, special
YL Mag Issue Bosnia-Herzegovina. gets massive support and is in the making with gorgeous partners all over the country You can help reach this milestone. send us article tips connect to partners, schools, supporters donate to our travel fund to do interviews and set...
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