Guess what – each of us can make enormous impact – when equipped with high quality tools of the sort that connect youth and adults with worldclass changemakers.

It’s simple. Start with Quickies, practice them daily and use tricks to scale up your reach and impact.

YOU need not even take the action, if you’re a shy hyper busy type. As word reaches 10s and 100s, it’s likely that others will take action, especially Key Professionals. You can reach many people using our stories, posters, flyers, you can use your cafe’s, company’s, school’s or organization’s news/letter you can score articles in news and online media – and you can daily posts from our facebook and instagram pages on hero*ines and milestones, on success updates and celebrations … each can reach 10s and 100s … and step by step activate their relations, too, since PEOPLE CARE and few have simple swift OPPORTUNITIES to BOOST positive changes with FUN. So please wield them. 

View 4 examples of what you can spark with ease by simply spreading the word on


You can  generate $1,000 with EASE and FUN.

Let us explain.

1. Browse hero*ines and milestones, pick one you love.

2. Gift $20€, inspire 4 close people to do so, too, that’s $100€ fast.

~ can be after 1 day

3. Share online, at work, in community to win 5 more people, that’s $200€ by now.

4. Inspire your 4 close allies to do likewise. That’s $600€ by now.

~ 1 day to 1 week

5. Together, throw a Philanthro-Party using our tools, tips, tricks

Expand reach, fun, guest list using your resources, relations, fests, cause related NGOs and aim that each guest gifts $10 to 20€

There’s your $1,000€

~ 1-4 weeks

The trick: Add a good dose of fun, magic and adventure. Charity champ Lulu pioneered Philanthro-Party philosophy, raised $120,000€, published a book by age 15. We show you tools, tips and tricks.

+ vividly document

since YOUR REAL LIFE EXAMPLE feels real and feasible for others around you. It’s simple and fun!

> selfies and group shots of your merry activities are perfectly enough
> this reaches 100 people via SOCIAL MEDIA
> share on company / cause-related NGO NEWSLETTERS reaching 100s
> share your responsible citizen story with LOCAL NEWS MEDIA reaching 1,000s

AND invite audiences to your NEXT Philanthro-Party for your next favorite hero*ine! > and share it with all parents, teachers indicating potential for use in school context = this can multiply your follow-up impact 10-fold … and next time someone else hosts the party.

Emma raised 500,000 books for challenged aboriginal communities. People love to help. They just need opportunity. Know your hero*ines, milestones, tools and tricks … you can give them plenty all year round!

Your posts can spark book & games drives

scoring 1,000 books to set up a Magical Children & Youth Library in a crisis region. 

At an ordinary middle or high school, if each student gifts 1 book, you got an entire library of $10,000€ value. Bam! EASY. 

Teachers love this to bring global issues to life and empower their students to make a difference.

Need recipients? You have exciting ones!

  • in a refugee camp
  • in a rural region facing 50% unemployment, high crime and rape
  • in child and youth-led learnspaces with focus on ending violence against girls
  • in schools with Quidditch teams in the African Bush … and more

You’ll soon get updates!

The great thing about YL Partners is that they vividly document everything they do and are highly communicative uplifting people.

Your students and adult donors will get exciting impact updates from their recipients who are really grateful and on fire to take more actions! That feeling is powerful like living a Harry Potter movie for real … well worth gifting a used book that one no longer reads …

and it can lead to asking “cool, what’s next?!” especially if you make the move 🙂 with the other options you have in stock.

It can spark a Changemaker Student Club

connected to the Boost Club and with its many programs and resources and partners for 400+ missions 

It can activate an entire school

with a club, teachers using role model stories, action-oriented school fests, living SDGs in Action, the Global SDG School Challenge and even field trips to our friends.

Namaste Nepal student club organizes an epic 48 hour DAY & NIGHT sponsor run from friday afternoon until sunday afternoon to raise funds for their partner village in the Himalaya. They score $40,000€ annually.

Stadium access

is easy for schools and student-led good causes involving the community.

The 48 hour time window

enables teachers from other schools to use this “role model” opportunity to bring their classes. And kindergartens, wheelchair folks, parents, athletes, the mayor … then media come, this attracts companies as sponsors.

it’s simple –  when organized by 14 year olds + 48 hours + for an epic cause and story + with visible results.

NN raise 40,000€ each year. Other student clubs “in small towns where nothing ever happens” make 10,000 in year 1, 20,000 in year 2, with a population of just 20,000! Because people care, but … lack opportunity.

You offer them a choice of missions!

Imagine the impacts on the target region! And you’ll have set the spark simply by spreading the word. … and some school got started!

If you’re talkative

you can give presentations, set up poster exhibits, organize video-meets with our hero*ines, call YL Coaches into town.

If you wanna live adventure and make history

train yourself as YL Coach and wield our full scope of media, methods and programs with our global tribe of project partners and coaches.

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Latest on hero*ines, progress, milestones achieved, video-meetings, new opportunities and greetings from our lovely community

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