Bal Manch commit to better the lives of children born in poor districts of India’s north-western state of Uttar Pradesh. They run a micro school, do art and culture programs, protest with the kids for rights to a life free from labor, violence, to education … and they git 24,000 poor kids into private schools in a single year(!) by enforcing the Right To Education RTE Act which demands that private schools must reserve 25% of their places tuition-free to children that can’t afford to pay.Â
They are awesome, because no one knows of the RTE Act, least of all illiterate poor people, so Bal Manch walk into poor districts to tell parents and those merrily send streams of children to private schools! When those complained that they could not pay to equip the kids, BM addressed ministries. When those denied to be responsible, BM raised hell (like they do with the Red Brigade to make police do their job and catch rapists and murderers) and the Ministry of Family, Kids etc. quickly caved in and since pays RTE kids’ equipment!
They deserve our help, because as poor people working as volunteers they cannot afford printing, bus and train travel costs (to activate nearby cities, too), and their monthly needs of $120€ are ridiculously low for middle class city dwellers (or schools or companies) to pay. Let’s do this and see the lovely results play out on our social media through the year!Â
As partner of the Red Brigade Trust, they work with kids on safety from sexual abuse and channel teens to Red Brigade programs. Bal Manch just opened a new learning centre and seeks to include a full fledged YL Learnspace, like at the emerging Red Brigade Academy.
We seek to
cover one whole year of RTE Campaign also in nearby cities at only $120€ per month to get another 10,000 to 20,000 poor kids into schools, equipped and fed until graduation. at $1,600€ a year, it’s 10 cents per kid. One single Philanthro-Party can do that.
$400€ more equip their YL LearnSpace!
Ajay Patel, english speaking co-founder and mentor of Red Brigade Trust, Bal Manch and Orange Café is also
- YL Speaker
Bal Manch is alsoÂ
- YL Project Partner for schools to team up with for long-term project partnerships
- YL Program Partner, cultivating youth leadership among children in their communities who will proceed to Red Brigade Trust programs as teenagers.
As we watch their adventure unfold,
we get to feel the power of our Dollars and Euros in low income regions and as we see kids en masse are released from being doomed to life in poverty, as child workers, forced marriage, illiterate day laborers, prostitutes, house maids sleeping on kitchen floors … and can live in dignity and peace, with decent skills, we know that it will affect their future spouses, children, colleagues and neighbors, truly shaping the future of an entire region … we get ideas and motivation to do more in all sorts of places with our YL partners… and … in our home regions!
Education Centre Completed!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
A Girl School
Bal Manch have completed construction of a children’s school that will serve as epi-centre of activities beyond school education and hours.
The world benefits from
a best practice
- in social and educational justice
- in private school integration in society
YL benefits from
a superb way for Euro-American youth
- to feel the difference between a developed libertarian democracy designed to overcome social, caste and race injustice typical of the past 5,000 years of monarchies
- to feel their money power
- to have power to help 1,000s of children
- to feel their agency to upgrade society
- a way to shape the future of an entire region
YL also benefits from
- countless vivid updates in YL social media and Magazine
- a YL LearnSpace nurturing hero*ine spirit among 100s of kids
- an Indian model region for high Impact Youth Leadership
- a Tribal Travel destination to experience YL induced social change.
Bal Manch is super interesting for us
to nurture Youth Leadership and many collaborations
Swift steps to help kids get an education + to nurture YL and Youth Leadership in India’s state of Uttar Pradesh
$350€ Qumara Pocket Garden Experiment Pack will serve to spark a sense of wonder in children and teens by discovering sourcing colors from plants in sevengardens (UNESCO program) style in education at school or workshops, and then move on to seeds, germination,...
1,000 GOOD BOOKS FOR MAGICAL CHILDREN & YOUTH LIBRARY will serve to attract kids, teens, families, teachers to the Learnspace and generate wide appreciation by the greater community, and while people come - also repeatedly, regularly - for the library,they will...
$500€ YL LearnSpace Pack will serve to establish young herto*ines flair, role models and action opportunities as a space to vpromote via media to citizenry and schools, to visit, to hold workshops, to do activities in the pack and more. It is the toolset of YL...
Milestones Achieved
Education Centre Completed!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
A Girl School
Bal Manch have completed construction of a children’s school that will serve as epi-centre of activities beyond school education and hours.
More Ways to BOOST their mission
Book a Speaker
Book a Speaker. YL Speakers are unique. They speak from the Heart, unlike animators or experts rattling down powerpoints pepped with rhetoric to make it less boring and more memorable, because they do not turn their knowledge into action impacting people and planet....
Articles + Interviews
Articles + Interviews. You have a powerful story to share in your own newsletters social media with powerful multipliers journalists organizations an important global issue with amazing hero*ine protagonists touching anecdotes tangible solutions powerful images ways...
Pay a Visit
Pay a Visit.You have most fascinating travel destinations with multiple purposefor yourself, your group, your community for family travel as volunteer as coach for work visits for 2-way youth exchanges You come not as an alien, but as friend and ally you have likely...