United Nations Theme DAYS

like Day of water, girls, peace, biodiversity, migrating birds, indigenous people, rural women, radio day, families, friendship, charity, food, habitat … there’s 100 such days every year that we can use for our causes.

1) UN Days help add focus and structure

UN Days help boost

  • purpose, aligned with current “societal weather”
  • reach, via media, to spaces
  • supportive community and allies
  • impact
  • FUN

You can plan ahead + bundle & finetune forces, tools and tricks

  • for online donation buzz
  • Philanthro-Parties
  • school presentations
  • theme fests
  • costumes and more

You can appoint Crew and Tasks

that like best specific

  • days
  • themes
  • dates
  • spaces

You have a Calendar of Action

so your crew and allies have months to look forward to and prepare for

Also, the structure makes you feel part of something bigger

2) UN Days help connect with people

These professions pay special attention to UN Days


educate global citizen awareness and skills

You add ace role models, authentic stories, action opportunities



NGOs unite on Water Day like it’s their annual birthday party

You add exciting youth stories, action, impact, reason to celebrate


raise awareness on global issues, but only have sad data

You offer solution stories that enable audiences to take part


LIVING MUSEUMS & COMMUNITY CENTRES nurture active citizenship, do theme displays and workshops

You offer vivid stories, causes, connection with students, schools, families, city


nurture active citizenship, social enterprise, youth leadership, action for SDGs, youth exchanges

You offer stories, actions, school projects, global partners

We call them Key Professionals

that share our core purpose : to enable Able Active Caring Citizens.

They benefit a lot from Youth Leadership to fulfill their societal purpose,
to achieve their professional aspirations; this is why they respond
well to our offers; they need and actively seek them.

An example of Teachers using UN Days

Teachers obviously like to use UN Days of girls, youth skills, environment etc. Here is an example of Teachers of English in Germany, France or South America using our english stories, films and music.


  • address the UN Day’s global issue 
  • with hero*ine role model stories, films and music
  • as an interactive english language exercise of audio-visual understanding, group work, research, public speaking, conversation, poster making, media production

with high inner motivation … much higher than boring textbook topics. 


by using hero*ines’ Action Guides


with YL staff, changemakers, peers abroad


creating articles, testimonials, videos, report to news media

and sharing them on social media and with their global partners

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